Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Ride around Sutton

After dropping off Rachel at Stagecoach I went for a cycle. The weather was mixed. It started out looking promising so I put my shorts on but wrapped up which was lucky as it got cold later and a bit blustery!!

I went from Worcester Park to Nonsuch Park. Then came to Cheam Village where I saw the above cottages and neat little allotments. In the centre of Cheam is the Whitehouse. It is one of the buildings that back on to Nonsuch park which was one of King Henry VIII's hunting lodges. It has some brilliant Tudor features including an original exposed wall. The outside is a mish mash of extensions over the years since. It is a brilliant place to visit. The views below are of the front showing the Elizabethan hallway and the back of the building showing the sundial. Fabby place.

Then I cycled on into Sutton and realised why I never go there shopping... its a bit pants. But I found this as I cycled through a nearby park. I have tried to track down what it is but to no avail.
It was stuck in the middle of a green space with no label or anything. Wierd.

Then I cycled up to Banstead common and was not particularly impressed. The tracks were overgrown with broom (which was spikey!!) and then as the route travelled over a golf course I was stared at by lots of posh blokes in questionable clothes. Then as I cycled off the golf course into a posh private estate I found this house...

They were still putting the finishing touches on it and although it was a fantastic house it was surrounded by standard 1930 arts and crafts style houses so it looked way out of place. I spoke to a man doing his garden over the road. He said the same. Although he admired the house he did think it was out of keeping with the neighbourhood. And although I agreed with him I did have to laugh when he said that houses like this don't belong in the countryside... Who was he kidding... he is in London some way from the countryside!!! Ah posh people and their ideas huh...

Good ride though,

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